Forte’s work within the programme for applied welfare research is based on a vision of a more evidence-based social services system that can better support both individuals and their relatives affected by social services interventions. In this call for proposals, you have the opportunity to apply for project funding and grants for research reviews, with a total budget of 81 million SEK.

The aim of the national research programme is to strengthen client- and practice-oriented research within the social services’ areas of activity, and the research should be conducted in collaboration with relevant target groups.

Focus of the call

  • The focus of this call for proposals is based on the programme’s strategic research agenda and the eight priority research areas outlined in it:
  • Effects of Interventions
  • Methods for Assessing Individual Needs for Interventions
  • Preventive Work and Early Interventions in Social Services
  • Implementation, Change Management, and Improvement Work
  • Coherent Intervention Chains and Collaboration
  • User Involvement/Participation
  • Digitalization and Welfare Technology
  • Nonprofit and Private Sector as Providers of Social Services

About the grants

Within the call for proposals, applicants can apply for two different types of funding:

Project grant 

Project grants facilitate the implementation of a defined research project designed to contribute to increased knowledge about an identified issue. Project grants may be applied for by individual researchers as well as research groups. 

Funding amounts: There is no maximum amount for this type of grant, but the requested budget must be explained and justified in the application.
Project duration: Funding may be sought for two, three or four years. When applying for a fourth year, this must be specifically justified in the application.
Eligibility requirements: To apply for a grant under this call for proposals, you must have obtained a doctoral degree no later than the closing date of the call for proposals.   

Grant for research reviews 

Grants for research reviews are given to identify the state of knowledge and research needs within a well-defined topic with relevance to the focus of the call. The call for proposals is open for different types of research reviews, but they must follow a well-established method. The results must be made available to relevant target groups in an appropriate way. 

Funding amounts: You may apply for a maximum of SEK 1 million. Please note that the maximum amount includes so called indirect costs/overheads (OH). Applications that exceed the specified limit will be rejected. 
Project duration: Funding may be sought for one year.  
Eligibility requirements: To apply for a grant under this call for proposals, you must have obtained a doctoral degree no later than the closing date of the call for proposals.   

The administrering organisation must have an account

To be able to apply for a grant, a Swedish university or another research funding body must administrate the funding and have an organisational account in Prisma. The administering organisation should apply for this in due time via Prisma.

Forte’s criteria for administering organisations »


A maximum of one application per type of funding is allowed for each lead applicant in this call for proposals. As a co-researcher, you may be involved in more than one application. There are no restrictions for applicants who also apply for, or currently hold, funding from Forte’s other calls for proposals.

Time plan

The call opens: October 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM
The call closes: November 14, 2024, at 2:00 PM
Forte’s Board decides on funding: March 2025
Project start: July 1st, 2025

Review committee

The review committee for the call will be decided by the Forte board on October 22 and will be announced here as soon as the decision is made.